Alexander The Great by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
A real historical picture of the life of Al-Asdar Al-Akbar, with projections on the real picture, for it, is a vivid picture of the conflict, and it is a real...
Alia & Essam by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 20.00
Alia & Essam by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 20.00
A poetic play that talks about the Arab Al-Rula tribe located in the desert between Hama and the Levant. A new theatrical epic written by His Highness the Ruler of...
Daesh & Gabraa by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
Daesh & Gabraa by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
A play that takes place in the Qassim region, where the Ghatafan tribe has its two branches, Abs and Zebian, 50 years before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, may...
Mighty Samson by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
Mighty Samson by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
The play reveals the established facts and refutes the falsification of history. The play deals with the story of the mighty Samson, the legendary character so that the facts are...
Reality.. A True Copy by
Dhs. 15.00
Reality.. A True Copy by
Dhs. 15.00
The Islamic nation has gone through more severe periods than we are in, so this play was a reality of not despair, and a catalyst towards unification and struggle, to...
The Black Stone by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
The Black Stone by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
It includes five chapters, and the play deals with a sensitive issue in ancient and contemporary history, and it diverts ideas from their course, and sometimes into their opposite, which...
The Book of Allah by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
The Book of Allah by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
In this play, Dr Sultan Al Qasimi embodies the idea of the conflict between the luminaries who are trying to present the bright image of Islam in the face of...
The Case by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
The Case by Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 15.00
This play is inspired by Arab and Islamic history. What happened to the Arab nation in the past is similar to what is happening to it now. The events of...
The complete Theatrical works box Set By Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi
Dhs. 210.00
The complete Theatrical works 11 books Set By Shiekh Sultan Al Qasimi 1) Holaku's Returns, 2) Mighty Samson 3) The Case 4) Reality a True Copy 5) The Black Stone...
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